North Island Regional Salon
Digital: Pure Delight: Champion Photojournalism, Acceptance: The Art of Whimsy
Print: Acceptances for Painting Hope, Sculpted and Time Travel
Sony National Digital Salon: Painting Hope: Accepted
Canon Online Round 2 - 2nd Place Entering Wonderland
4 Nations: Entering Wonderland was selected as one of the 80 images to represent NZ out of 146 photographers
Māwhera National Salon of Photography
Painting Hope: Bronze Medal
Entering Wonderland: Honours
Drink me Small: Honours
Acceptances for The Gift, Purple Tea Tones, Love is in the Air, Steam, Sculpted, Vacant
Creative Focus Competition
Painting Hope: Silver Medal
Art of Whimsy: Honours
Curious & Curiouser: Honours
Drink Me Small: Highly Commended
At Sea: Highly Commended
Acceptances for Life After the Party, The Gift, Sculpted, Vacant and Purple Tea Tones
In 2024 I was on the selection panel for NZ Camera (PSNZ)
Canon Online Round 3: 5th Place - High Tea
National Portrait Salon Acceptances for Keanu and Prairie Gypsy
PSNZ National Exhibition (NATEX) Acceptances Digital Open: Tea Tones, Sunflowers and Steam
Acceptances Print Open: High Tea, Labour of Love and Subtlety
In 2023 I was on the selection panel for NZ Camera and one of three judges for the Creative Focus
NZ Camera 2022 - Precarious Timing
Creative Focus Competition
The Catch: Honours
Down the Rabbit Hole: Honours
I Dig Tomatoes: Honours
Precarious Timing: Honours
Cheshire Tea: Highly Commended
Labour of Love: Highly Commended
Dahlias: Highly Commended
Entering Wonderland: Accepted
APSNZ - Awarded Associateship of Photographic Society of New Zealand
PSNZ National Exhibition (NATEX) - PSNZ Portrait Trophy for best projected image portrait - Keanu
Post Workout. Acceptances - Wrapped in My Bubble and Cup of Sunshine (Print), The Climb (Digital)
Bristol Salon - international competition
Wrapped in My Bubble: Honorable Mention
Ascent of Imagination: Honourable Mention
Realms Beyond: Accepted
Time Travel: Accepted
NZ Camera 2021 - Ascent to Imagination
Canon Online - Round 3 - 10th Place - Faith
Creative Focus Competition
Dance to Your Own Music: Bronze
Upward and Onward: Honours
Defined by Time: Honours
Faith: Highly Commended
Time Travel: Highly Commended
A Cup of Sunshine: Highly Commended
Tea is Served: Highly Commended
The Climb: Accepted
North Island Regional Salon:
2 Acceptances: Defined by Time and Reach for the Moon
6th CAMPINA 2021 Romania International Salon:
3 Acceptances: Wrapped in My Bubble, Dance to your own Music and A Cup of Sunshine
Creative Focus Competition - Supreme Image and GOLD Wrapped in My Bubble, Highly Commended (Realms Beyond) plus 5 Acceptances
PSNZ National Exhibition (NATEX) - Silver Medal - Ancient Dahlia (Print) and Sky Scraping Acceptance.
Winner - 2020 New Zealand Canon Online Photographer of the year.
Canon Online - Round 2 - 10th place (Caged by Covid)
Canon Online - Round 3 - 2nd place (Ascent of Imagination)
Canon Online - Round 4 - 3rd Place (Wrapped in My Bubble)
Canon Online - Round 5 - 6th Place (Time Travel)